Real Property Management Longhorn

Ways To Make Your Road Rock Rental Unfriendly To Pests

There are arguably few things renters hate more than pests. If not dealt with quickly and accurately, a pest infestation can cause significant problems in your Road Rock rental. Any potential inaction may even give your renter grounds to legally leave the property, making the roaches, termites, or rats your sole tenants. While you would never let things escalate to that stage, the best approach to pest management starts with preventing pest infestations in the first place. While it’s impossible to lock out every single pest, you can take proactive steps to protect your rental property from infestations.

Deny pests shelter, food, and water

Pests around the home and on the property are there because there is shelter, food, and water. If you work with your tenant to deny them these essentials, most pests will move on, and future infestations will become less likely. For example, if you live in a neighborhood known for issues with rats and mice, maintaining a clean yard might be half the battle. Rodents love building burrows under overgrown bushes, in poorly stacked lumber piles, or yard waste. Clearing these potential shelters out and keeping your yard clean is a great start.

Cutting off easy access to food is also essential. Talk to your renter about picking up any pet food after their dogs and cats are done eating—outdoor food bowls are a significant attraction to pests like rodents and roaches. Of course, the cleaner your tenant can keep the inside of the property, the less there will be for pests to eat. Encourage them to regularly sweep and vacuum, especially under the stove or on the sides of the refrigerator. Provide them with bag clips and seals—just a few dollars spent on these items can play a pivotal role in keeping pests out of the pantry. Finally, if your property has fruit trees, regularly pick up any dropped fruit that may serve as a source of nutrition for pests.

Invest in home sealing

Pests are masters of squeezing into tight spaces. Roaches, for instance, can fit just about anywhere a credit card can. From a roaches’ perspective, even a relatively sealed off home has multiple entrances that might as well be superhighways. In many homes, pests don’t have to work that hard to get in: some even just go right under a gap in the front door.

This is where home sealing can make a positive difference. Home sealing is a professional service now offered by many pest professionals. It’s a highly effective, pesticide-free way to cut off pest access to the interior of the home. During a home seal, a professional run through a checklist of potential pest entry points and then seals them. They caulk around window frames, add wire netting over weep holes, seal foundation cracks, block utility boxes, and more. This works: homes that have been sealed report far fewer pest problems than those with just traditional pest control treatment.

As a property owner, home sealing can give you and your renter peace of mind. It’s a high selling point for your property when you’re looking for renters—you’d be surprised at just how many people out there have had past, negative experiences with pests.

Craft a battle strategy with a pest professional

Long-term pest prevention is not a one-time, set-it-and-forget-it project. It’s a continual process that requires a strategic approach and vigilance. If you want to evict pests from your rental property in Road Rock, TX, and keep them out for good, you should work with a local pest professional and develop a treatment plan that pairs together a home seal with regular visits and inspections.

If you’re ready to make your rental property unfriendly to pests, be sure to take a look at this new infographic.